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Dr Jon Day

Specialist, Agri-Food and Behavioural Science

Jon provides is an agri-food consultant whose specialism lies in nutrition and the behavioural sciences. He is an experienced networker, manager and researcher. Working effectively in both academic and commercial environments, Jon is a strategist and an innovator and has developed several new multidisciplinary platforms of research which operate across competencies.



A behavioural science, animal welfare and nutrition expert

Jon delivers consultancy and research services to a number of our key clients and partners. 

A behavioural science, animal welfare and nutrition expert with over 30 years’ experience in academic and commercial environments, Jon has established a strong track-record of increasing the engagement of organisations with industry and has led a number of strategic and engagement initiatives where his insights have informed new product development, marketing and regulatory affairs.  He is an experienced broker of partnerships and projects that deliver mutual benefits.

Jon has 31 fully-refereed publications and 47 published abstracts and summaries in the field of behavioural science and nutrition.  He has held  a range of non-vocational positions in learned societies. 

Jon is also owner director of Cerebrus Associates Limited (in the UK) and Cerebrus Advies BV (in the Netherlands). He founded Cerebrus in 2012 to provide specialist consultancy to the life sciences sector. Prior to Cerebrus, Jon worked as the Head of Behavioural Sciences at the WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition where he initiated a cross-competency research programme in Behavioural Nutrition.

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