Chronos boosts health sector expertise as social sustainability climbs the impact agenda





London, 16 December 2022, Chronos Sustainability (“Chronos”), the award-winning global sustainability advisory firm, has added further specialist expertise to its health-based programmes with the appointment of Hannah Wakelin as Programme Manager, Health, in a newly created role.


Hannah is an accomplished research leader and analyst with more than 14 years’ experience in evaluating and reporting on corporate performance on ESG issues. She joins Chronos from Moody’s ESG Solutions where, as Research Operations Manager, she was responsible for an eight-strong team of analysts.


At Chronos, Hannah will lead the firm’s core health programmes and provide technical consultancy, project management and delivery on global benchmarking, best practice, and disclosure initiatives. As a specialist with a background in social issues including supply chain labour standards, and human rights, she will also provide support across Chronos’s range of change programmes and client initiatives where this expertise is required.


Nicky Amos, Managing Director, Chronos Sustainability, said: “Hannah’s appointment reflects the sustained growth of health-related sustainability objectives for companies, investors and non-governmental organisations as these issues become integral to the corporate sustainability and responsible investment agenda. 


Our health programmes, such as the CCLA Corporate Mental Health Benchmarks and the ShareAction Investor Guide on Health (part of ShareAction’s Long Term Investment in People’s Health, LIPH, initiative) are at the vanguard of early action on health as a sustainability issue. Hannah’s expertise and practical knowledge will enable us to deepen our expertise and build capacity in order to support more leading health programmes for real-world impact. We are delighted to welcome her to the team.”


Rory Sullivan, CEO, Chronos Sustainability added: “The manner in which investors think about and analyse ESG issues is changing. Investors are now explicitly considering the implications – positive and negative – that action in one area can have in other areas. Health is an issue that cuts across all other ESG issues; for example, how will action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions affect emissions of other air pollutants, will the transition to a low carbon economy place stress on workers or communities, will the shift to alternative proteins be positive or negative for human dietary requirements?


Hannah’s ESG expertise will build our capacity and ability to analyse and understand these dilemmas and trade offs that sit at the heart of responsible investment.”  



About Chronos Sustainability

Chronos Sustainability was established in 2017 with the objective of delivering transformative, systemic change in the social and environmental performance of key industry sectors. Led by Nicky Amos and Dr Rory Sullivan, it blends industry and sector-leading expertise with high quality service and delivery standards to provide intelligent outcomes for its clients and partners.


Chronos works with more than 60 clients, including institutional investors, corporates, civil society organisations, intergovernmental organisations and industry bodies, on sustainability-related projects and initiatives around the world. It is currently leading or supporting a series of major industry transformation projects including the Transition Pathway Initiative, Climate Action 100+, the Global Coalition for Animal Welfare, the CCLA Corporate Mental Health Benchmark and the Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare.


For further information

Amanda Williams

+44 7725 329 314


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