Dr Rory Sullivan


Rory co-founded Chronos Sustainability in 2017 with Nicky Amos. An internationally renowned expert on climate change and sustainable Investment, he is also Visiting Professor in Practice in the Department of Geography and Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).



An internationally recognised expert on climate finance and responsible investment.

Rory was previously Head of ESG Research and Standards for FTSE Russell and Head of Responsible Investment at Insight Investment. His current clients include Brunel Pensions Partnership, BNP Paribas Investment Management, USS and ICG.

Rory's current projects include: working with the World Bank on its responsible investment In emerging markets programme, supporting IIGCC with the development of guidance for institutional investors on adaptation, acting as the technical lead on the IIGCC's Paris Aligned Portfolios project, and acting as senior advisor on the PRI, UNEPFI and Generation Foundation's Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century project.

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