First Of Its Kind Guidance To Integrate Nature Into Climate Transition Plans

Almost 6,000 companies now have a climate transition plan in place, but very few are integrating nature conservation into those plans. This is despite nature loss and climate change being intertwined threats – that drive each other and so must be tackled together. 

To help in this challenge Chronos worked with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to develop a first of its kind guide on why and how to integrate nature into transition plans.  

The Chronos team provided the underlying research for the report, identified existing nature tools and case studies of corporate good practices and interviewed corporate and investor stakeholders to understand opportunities and barriers to further integration of nature into transition plans.  

The information in the report was also fed, via WWF UK, into the Nature Working Group of the UK’s Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT), an initiative to develop the gold standard for private sector climate transition plans. 


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