Leading The Work Of The Global Coalition For Animal Welfare

Chronos leads the Secretariat for the Global Coalition for Animal Welfare (GCAW) the world’s first and only industry-led coalition dedicated to accelerating farm animal welfare across global supply chains.

GCAW members are committed to improving welfare standards for the 92 billion land animals farmed for food each year. GCAW’s work not only shares insights, technical knowledge and research to improve individual company performance on welfare, it enables these influential multinationals to work collaboratively to overcome structural obstacles to higher welfare standards such as policy issues, cost barriers and supply logistics. 

GCAW originally launched in 2018 with seven founding members (Aramark, Compass Group, Elior Group, IKEA Food Services, Nestlé, Sodexo, and Unilever), and as of November 2024 has more than doubled its membership to include some of the world’s largest and food firms - including the likes of Starbucks, Kroger, Unilever and Tyson Foods. More than one billion people purchase food products from GCAW members every day. 

As Secretariat, Chronos leads working groups and conducts research to help members make progress on priority issues such as cage free eggs, broiler chicken welfare, and higher welfare pork production. We facilitate engagement with key experts and supply chain stakeholders, and peer-to-peer learning.   

In a world where poor animal welfare standards increasingly present material financial risks to companies and wider society – from consumer boycotts to antimicrobial resistance and pandemic risk – GCAW’s work to improve animal welfare standards is proving increasingly valuable. 

Further detail of GCAW’s activities and achievements can be seen in the Coalition’s Five-Year Report and on the GCAW website


Enabling Policy Action In Thailand, Malaysia And South Africa


Rethinking Workplace Mental Health Through CCLA’s Corporate Benchmark